Saturday, February 14, 2009

Past Chronicles

I long for the lost summer
golden rays upon my porch

I long for the lost blue sky
whose beauty charmed my mind

I long for the lost lush green grass
whose touch made my feet tingle

I long for the lost laughter of my family
whose joy made me weep

I long for the lost charm of the evenings gone by
when curious winds used to make me smile

I long for lost goodness in my heart
which showed through my sparkling eyes

I long for the lost touch of my grandfather
whose wisdom made me wise

I long for the lost love for the world
in whose future i used to trust

I long for the lost dreams
in the lap of those i used to sleep

I long for the lost friends
whose names are etched upon my heart

I long for the lost days
when beauty existed everywhere

I long for the lost joy
of seeing a rabbit blush

I long for the lost habits
gone without a trace

I long for the lost long walks
where ideas were born

I long for the past
as i long for the future